Friday, March 29, 2019

I'm Now On YouTube!

Well after years of being asked if I will ever make a YouTube Channel, I have finally done it!

The channel is called, "Russ Is Right" - because I am always right, except for when I am wrong.  :)

Seriously, I'm not always right, but I thought it was a catchy name for the channel.  But I'll do my best to be right in the things I share with you!

As a new YouTube Channel, I need your help desperately to view the videos and to Like them and to PLEASE subscribe to my channel!  I need at least 1000 subscribers before YouTube will take it seriously and at least 4000 hours of people viewing the channel!  Yikes!  That's a lot.  But it can be done with your help.  Already a number of my students have subscribed.  Thanks!

I have thousands of students, and I hope I was influential in teaching you photography and that you'd like to learn more from me for FREE on YouTube!  But to keep the channel going, I need each of you to please help me get to the minimum of 1000 subscribers!  It doesn't cost anything, but if you have a gmail email address or if you have a YouTube account (which is free from Google), you can help by clicking on Subscribe button and also clicking on the little Bell icon next to subscribe to get email notifications whenever a new video is uploaded to the channel.  I've learned that the YouTube lingo for this is called, "Dropping a new video"... yeah, I have a hard time getting used to that terminology!

Anyway, I hope to try to do a short 5 minute video daily and perhaps one or two longer videos per week.  Yes, that's ambitious, but at least for now, I'm going to try to do it.  I want to grow this channel fast!

I hope to talk daily about things that I like and things that I don't like.  Photography of course, music, guitars, cooking, fishing, you name it!  Like my blog (which you can see by clicking here), I won't limit the content to just photography.  I have more interests than just that.  Plus I know you do too!  So, let's just say the channel will have a variety of content that I hope you will be interested in.  And please leave me a comment in the comment section of the videos.  I would appreciate that too.  Tell me what you like, what you don't like and tell me what other kinds of videos you think would be good for me to do!

I truly appreciate each and every one of my students and hope you will like this new free service I will be offering to you.  Watch the videos often and please let your friends know on Facebook, Instagram, via email, whatever!  With your help, I know I can grow the channel quickly.

See you all on the Tube!  There are two brand new videos "dropped" today and a few in the past couple of days!  More to come!  Hopefully daily!



1 comment:

  1. You’ve been so kind to help me by sharing your grilling knowledge, I have a local friend who was forced to give away his gas grill and propane tank due to apt. Complex owner rules. He bought a charcoal grill but doesn’t have your knowledge nor expertise with it so Imshared what you sent me. He’s a very good friend, in his mid80s. Great photos and blog, thanks for sharing
