Sunday, October 8, 2017

Ginger / Scallion Blue Crabs - Salt & Pepper Squid - Shrimp Egg Rolls

Blue crabs with ginger and scallions! I had turned down the flame a little too much before adding the crabs, but the wok heated back up really quickly right after this video ended. With 65,000 BTU's, the outdoor wok can heat up really fast!  (By the way, the video has higher resolution if you click the YouTube link on the video.)

I made Ginger / Scallion Blue Crabs for dinner!  I also made Salt & Pepper Squid and my wife made Shrimp Egg Rolls!

The crabs were on sale for $2.99/lb, so I bought 10 crabs (3.3 lbs).  Interestingly, they were all female crabs.  You can tell by turning the crab over and looking at the "apron" of the crab which is wider than a male's apron.  Also, female blue crabs have red tips on their claws.

The raw squid was pre-cut and packaged and only had the bodies, but we were ok with that.  We dipped them in a raw egg and then coated them with corn starch that was mixed with salt and pepper.  Not bad!  We hoped it would be crunchier, but it did have a modest crunch.

The egg rolls were made the standard way with shrimp added.  Always good.

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